
I fell over
by Mr Gornall - Friday, 21 September 2012, 10:07 AM

Cyberbullying can uspet and hurt people just like real life bullying. What advice would you give to a friend who was being cyber bullied?

Picture of Brendan Campbell
Re: Cyberbullying
by Brendan Campbell - Friday, 21 September 2012, 11:44 AM
cyberbullying is horrible
Picture of Caitlin Rooney
Re: Cyberbullying
by Caitlin Rooney - Tuesday, 16 October 2012, 4:33 PM
Cyberbullying is horrible. Who wants to be bullied?
Picture of Luke Robertshaw
Re: Cyberbullying
by Luke Robertshaw - Friday, 21 September 2012, 11:44 AM
i think i would say to just forget about it and dont let it upset them 
Picture of Rhiannon Cookson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Rhiannon Cookson - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:43 PM

Picture of Rhiannon Cookson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Rhiannon Cookson - Wednesday, 7 November 2012, 5:38 PM
i agree with everyone it is horrible to be cyberbullied!!!!!!!!!
Picture of Lucy Pennington
Re: Cyberbullying
by Lucy Pennington - Friday, 21 September 2012, 4:30 PM
i would tell them to tell an adult
Picture of Claire Nihill
Re: Cyberbullying
by Claire Nihill - Friday, 21 September 2012, 4:48 PM
If you are being cyber bullied the best advice is to tell an adult. You should also not let the mean words get to you. Don't fight back otherwise it will get more serious and you will get more upset!
Picture of Tilly Brown
Re: Cyberbullying
by Tilly Brown - Friday, 21 September 2012, 9:32 PM
Tell a parent and dont try and say nasty things back
Picture of Elisha Butcher
Re: Cyberbullying
by Elisha Butcher - Friday, 21 September 2012, 10:48 PM
Cyberbullying is a horrible thing to do and be a part of so i think if my friend was getting cyberbullyed i would tell them to tell an parent or an adult, try to forget about it and do not try to fight back.big grin
Picture of Chloe Flanagan
Re: Cyberbullying
by Chloe Flanagan - Saturday, 22 September 2012, 10:09 AM

i think i would just say to tell an adult or a teacher before it gets any worse.mixed

Picture of Annabel Suffield
Re: Cyberbullying
by Annabel Suffield - Saturday, 22 September 2012, 10:43 AM
dont worry that much about it first thing to do is tell an adult and let them deal with it 

Picture of Mariette Braithwaite
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mariette Braithwaite - Saturday, 22 September 2012, 11:21 AM
Just ignore them and tell an adult, if you ignore them they should soon get tired of it.
Picture of Anna Smith
Re: Cyberbullying
by Anna Smith - Saturday, 22 September 2012, 5:44 PM
i would say to just ignore it and get on with your life and tell someone like your parents
Picture of Luke Lunn
Re: Cyberbullying
by Luke Lunn - Sunday, 23 September 2012, 12:43 PM
I would say tell an adult or if you would rather tell your friend, then do that.
Cyber Bullying isn`t a nice thing and can upset and even make people angry. My advice is tell someone who will listen or do what i would do and stick up for yourself. If that is to hard, then stick to telling someone.

Picture of Alexandra Lynch
Re: Cyberbullying
by Alexandra Lynch - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:09 AM
good advice luke big grin
Picture of Rhiannon Cookson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Rhiannon Cookson - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:42 PM
i agrre
Picture of Rhiannon Cookson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Rhiannon Cookson - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:42 PM
i agrre
Picture of Alexandra Barber
Re: Cyberbullying
by Alexandra Barber - Sunday, 23 September 2012, 1:41 PM
Cyberbulling is horrible and if you know it is happening to a friend tell somebody and they might be able to sort it out.And they should try their very hardest to egnore it.
Picture of Anna Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Anna Rostron - Sunday, 23 September 2012, 4:23 PM
Ignore the person and if it carries on tell an adult but never say anything back because you could turn out to be the bully
Picture of Olivia Simpson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Olivia Simpson - Sunday, 23 September 2012, 4:42 PM
I would say to ignore the person but if it gets worsesad tell a adult
Picture of Mollie Ainsworth-Brown
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mollie Ainsworth-Brown - Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 4:05 PM
Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:15 PM
You think the same as who?
Picture of Reece Jackson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Reece Jackson - Monday, 24 September 2012, 10:32 AM
tell somebody or talk to a friend and if that still doesnt work call nspcc and they will help and im sure your friends will stick up for you
Picture of Emily Kippax
Re: Cyberbullying
by Emily Kippax - Monday, 24 September 2012, 10:33 AM
Just ignoire them  and dont worry there proberly just jelouse of sumthing you have got that they havnt.Although if it gets seriouse tell a adult who can help dont be mean back as you will be the one who gets the
Picture of Eve Walker
Re: Cyberbullying
by Eve Walker - Monday, 24 September 2012, 10:33 AM
well all you don't have to worry you need to tell your parents or gardian what's going on. you don't. reply to them or say anything to them. also you can tell some close to you at school or any where you feel happy to tell someone. by eve walker.
Picture of Alexandra Lynch
Re: Cyberbullying
by Alexandra Lynch - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:17 AM
well done eve lolsmile
Picture of Ben Stephens
Re: Cyberbullying
by Ben Stephens - Monday, 24 September 2012, 11:37 AM
never reply to anybody who's name is anonimus
Picture of Liam Pickering
Re: Cyberbullying
by Liam Pickering - Monday, 24 September 2012, 11:37 AM
Dont listen to him or her just come of the computer and tell somebody.
Picture of Harvey Corbett
Re: Cyberbullying
by Harvey Corbett - Monday, 24 September 2012, 11:40 AM

tell a teacher or a parent or gurdian dont let it get worse.

Picture of Elodie Kendrick
Re: Cyberbullying
by Elodie Kendrick - Tuesday, 25 September 2012, 7:33 PM
If a child/teenager gets cyber bullied they should tell an adult and wait for it all to stop. Cyber bullying is bad!
Picture of Luke Robertshaw
Re: Cyberbullying
by Luke Robertshaw - Thursday, 27 September 2012, 4:35 PM
dont send them a mean message oterwise you would sink to there level and you would get in as much trouble as the person cyberbullingcool
Picture of Zakaria Tennah
Re: Cyberbullying
by Zakaria Tennah - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:11 AM
hi i like your cyber bullie quote
Picture of Jack Goodwin
Re: Cyberbullying
by Jack Goodwin - Friday, 28 September 2012, 9:44 AM

tell a teacher or ur parents

Picture of Rhianna Larkin
Re: Cyberbullying
by Rhianna Larkin - Friday, 28 September 2012, 11:04 AM
Why is cyber bullying happening? what gives people the reason to bully others. i would tell a trusted adult, sibling, or a teacher
Picture of Brendan Campbell
Re: Cyberbullying
by Brendan Campbell - Friday, 28 September 2012, 11:03 AM
cyber bullying is so horrible it must be stoped B-D    ^-)
Picture of Eleanor Howarth
Re: Cyberbullying
by Eleanor Howarth - Friday, 28 September 2012, 11:04 AM

cyberbullying should never be dealt with by the victim

make sure you TELL AN ADULT

Picture of Aleksandra Lysiak
Re: Cyberbullying
by Aleksandra Lysiak - Friday, 28 September 2012, 11:06 AM

if your cyberbullied tell an adult or a teacher

Picture of Eve Whitehead
Re: Cyberbullying
by Eve Whitehead - Friday, 28 September 2012, 11:19 AM
Dont cyber bully ! How whould you feel if it was you being cyberbulled ?!?!?
Picture of Amelia Tomlinson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Amelia Tomlinson - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:07 AM

dont cyber bully it not nice xxcool

Picture of Alexandra Lynch
Re: Cyberbullying
by Alexandra Lynch - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:11 AM
well done eve good edvicebig grin 
Picture of Zakaria Tennah
Re: Cyberbullying
by Zakaria Tennah - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:07 AM

cyber bullieng is bad

Picture of Alexandra Lynch
Re: Cyberbullying
by Alexandra Lynch - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:07 AM
i hate  cyber bulling i think it is horrible :-( the advice i would give someone that is being bullied is always tell somone.sad
Picture of Zakaria Tennah
Re: Cyberbullying
by Zakaria Tennah - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:09 AM
tell a techer if someone is bullieng you or tell the police.
Picture of Max Hawarden
Re: Cyberbullying
by Max Hawarden - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:14 AM
good idea but dont tell the police if it is not that bad :) :) :)
Picture of Baygam Dineen
Re: Cyberbullying
by Baygam Dineen - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:10 AM
tell someone and stck up for yor self
Picture of Alexandra Lynch
Re: Cyberbullying
by Alexandra Lynch - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:12 AM
well done baygam
Picture of Baygam Dineen
Re: Cyberbullying
by Baygam Dineen - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:10 AM
tell someone and stck up for yor self
Picture of Amelia Tomlinson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Amelia Tomlinson - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:11 AM
tell someone and stick up for ur self
Picture of Emilia Sinnott-Johnson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Emilia Sinnott-Johnson - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:11 AM
Tell your parents and they will sort it out if you dont tell you parents just try to forget about it or ignore them
Picture of Ellen Dalby
Re: Cyberbullying
by Ellen Dalby - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:11 AM

i think i would probaly say dont worry itll all be over soon and if theres anything thats really bad then tell some one and dont suffer in silence

Picture of Megan Williams
Re: Cyberbullying
by Megan Williams - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:12 AM
thats good
Picture of Megan Williams
Re: Cyberbullying
by Megan Williams - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:11 AM
i hate cyber bulling it not nice and if my friend was being cyber bullied i would tell then to tell there mum or someone. as well it can hurt somone and hurt there feelings and its well some more advice ALWAYS BE CUREFUL ON CHAT ROOM NEVER EVER GIVE SOMEONE YOUR NUMBER OR WHERE U LIVE HOW U DO NOT
Picture of Alexandra Lynch
Re: Cyberbullying
by Alexandra Lynch - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:12 AM
good edvice lol
Picture of Lucina Godkin
Re: Cyberbullying
by Lucina Godkin - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:11 AM
i would tell an adult  big grin
Picture of Aimie Sutton
Re: Cyberbullying
by Aimie Sutton - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:11 AM
Dont get upset and tell your parents and teccher dont read the mesages  delete the letter they have sent also always tell some one.
Picture of Lauren Dorricott
Re: Cyberbullying
by Lauren Dorricott - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:12 AM
 Tell your mum, teacher or even a freind and go and make diffrent freinds. Because you should always ask for help! THERE IS ALSO THE N.S.P.C.C.
Picture of Oliver Wilkinson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Oliver Wilkinson - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:12 AM
tell family or friend an they might help you
Picture of Leah Cookson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Leah Cookson - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:12 AM

i think that you should tell someone and then after you have told someone they should stop

Picture of Megan Bedford
Re: Cyberbullying
by Megan Bedford - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:12 AM
Don't worry and just forget about it and don't let it hurt you .
Picture of Cameron Mares
Re: Cyberbullying
by Cameron Mares - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:12 AM
Don't worry just go tell some one and if it still is happning tell the head teacher or the police and they will stop it for you.
Picture of Max Hawarden
Re: Cyberbullying
by Max Hawarden - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:12 AM

Dont worry just tell a teacher or a parent or freind and they can sort it out for you and everything will be ok :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Picture of Joshua Wilson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Joshua Wilson - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:14 AM

I wold tell them to tell a resposable adalt and not gove in

Picture of Joseph Aughton
Re: Cyberbullying
by Joseph Aughton - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:14 AM

tell your mum and dad and dont put up with it. 

Picture of Amelia Tomlinson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Amelia Tomlinson - Monday, 1 October 2012, 10:17 AM

dont let people hurt u

Picture of Sarah Ashenden
Re: Cyberbullying
by Sarah Ashenden - Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 3:37 PM

I would tell them to tell someone straight away and confort them and tell them that it will be all fine.:-)

Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:18 PM
Comfort them or confront them?
Picture of Grace Portlock
Re: Cyberbullying
by Grace Portlock - Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 4:02 PM

Don't put up with it, tell a trustworthy and responsable adult and they will try and sort it out but the worst thing anyone could do is cyberbully back. If this does not work ignore the cyberbully, delete them from any contact you've got with them and soon they will get tired of bullying you.wide eyes

Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:19 PM
Excellent point! Like the coloured font too.
Picture of Georgia Wilson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Georgia Wilson - Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 4:38 PM

i would tell them not to worryshy and to tell an adult! Also never reply to any of the messages!!!! smile

Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:20 PM
Good answer.
Picture of Georgia Wilson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Georgia Wilson - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:45 PM

don't cyber bully

Picture of Jodie Campbell
Re: Cyberbullying
by Jodie Campbell - Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 4:51 PM

Cyber Bullying is horrible all the advice i can give you is stay calm tell your parents and keep away from the person/ group, Remember dont give up !

Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:21 PM
Good answer. Should they delete all contact too?
Picture of Jodie Campbell
Re: Cyberbullying
by Jodie Campbell - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:46 PM
Yes I think they should! :D

Picture of Jodie Campbell
Re: Cyberbullying
by Jodie Campbell - Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 4:52 PM

Cyber Bullying is horrible all the advice I can give you is stay calm tell your parents and keep away from the person/ group, Remember dont give up ! :D

Picture of Mia Bobb
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mia Bobb - Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 5:00 PM
cyber bullying is horrible would you like to be cyber bullied ???? no well don't cyber bully anyone else. tell an adult if anything happens
Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:22 PM
Yes and keep a record of all their comments.
Picture of Mia Bobb
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mia Bobb - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:43 PM
yes that is what i would do and then i would show my parents or any adult

Picture of Jayne Cowperthwaite
Re: Cyberbullying
by Jayne Cowperthwaite - Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 5:02 PM
Tell an adult and don't hold it in just let it out approve 
Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:23 PM
Sounds like you want them to burst into song! You are right though.
Picture of Jessica Rigby
Re: Cyberbullying
by Jessica Rigby - Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 5:08 PM

My advice would be to

  1. Tell an adult or someone you trust
  2. If the website that you are on has a block button (which allows you to stop the bully from being able to contact you) - press it.
  3. You can report/flag hurtfull comments on some sites i.e. YouTube.

Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:24 PM
Excellent comment.
Picture of Matthew Clayton
Re: Cyberbullying
by Matthew Clayton - Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 6:54 PM
Cyber bullying is wrong and it is really not nice and hurts people in many different ways. Some people who do get bullied, get it really bad, so as soon as you realize about it tell some one you can trust and don't just hold it in. :-D
Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:25 PM
Good answer. Perhaps it should be an adult that you trust who you should tell.
Picture of Matthew Clayton
Re: Cyberbullying
by Matthew Clayton - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:43 PM
Picture of Kimberley Quegan
Re: Cyberbullying
by Kimberley Quegan - Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 7:29 PM
I'd tell someone I trusted. It might be that the bully thinks people will respect them if they cyber bully. Or it night be on that particular day they wanted to take out there anger on someone else and then are to ashamed to say sorry. 
Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:27 PM
Good points. Make sure it is an adult you tell and block the person from your site.
Picture of Kimberley Quegan
Re: Cyberbullying
by Kimberley Quegan - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:46 PM

 Realy dreamy horse. How amazing is this horse pic? approve

Picture of Dylan Crossey
Re: Cyberbullying
by Dylan Crossey - Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 7:50 PM

my advice is to tell an adult

Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:27 PM
Mine too! Also, block them from your site.
Picture of Owen Lockley
Re: Cyberbullying
by Owen Lockley - Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 8:15 PM
Tell someone before it gets worts

Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:29 PM
Like the picture Owen. Please could you show the class how you added it.
Picture of Jayne Cowperthwaite
Re: Cyberbullying
by Jayne Cowperthwaite - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:46 PM
Picture of Erika Bond
Re: Cyberbullying
by Erika Bond - Thursday, 4 October 2012, 1:09 PM

Ignore them its up to you what you want to do

Picture of Claudia Tate
Re: Cyberbullying
by Claudia Tate - Thursday, 4 October 2012, 5:56 PM

I would tell an adult after that just let it go and make sure it dose not defeat


Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:33 PM
Good point. Like the picture, please could you show the class how you added it.
Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:39 PM

picture hi

Picture of Max Fearon
Re: Cyberbullying
by Max Fearon - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:45 PM


Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Monday, 8 October 2012, 2:31 PM
Make sure you tell an adult too.
Picture of Laura Cranshaw
Re: Cyberbullying
by Laura Cranshaw - Sunday, 7 October 2012, 12:11 PM
If you're being bullied you're not alone,tell a parent or teacher,or even a close friend
Picture of Eva Guilfoyle Hastewell
Re: Cyberbullying
by Eva Guilfoyle Hastewell - Tuesday, 9 October 2012, 3:56 PM
cyberbullying is mean and very upsetting :-(
Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Tuesday, 9 October 2012, 10:07 PM
It is but how would you advise your friend?

Picture of Max Fearon
Re: Cyberbullying
by Max Fearon - Tuesday, 9 October 2012, 9:53 PM

My advice would be to always tell an adult and show them what has been sent to you. Don't take it personally because you will get more upset. Don't let the cyberbully see your reaction and DO NOT REPLY!!! Remember these things can always be sorted out - talk to a good friend, adult, school counsellor.

Picture of Mrs Rostron
Re: Cyberbullying
by Mrs Rostron - Tuesday, 9 October 2012, 10:06 PM
Great answer!
Picture of Hannah Walsh
Re: Cyberbullying
by Hannah Walsh - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:34 PM

i would tell a perant or teacher

Picture of Grace Portlock
Re: Cyberbullying
by Grace Portlock - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:48 PM
Picture of Eva Guilfoyle Hastewell
Re: Cyberbullying
by Eva Guilfoyle Hastewell - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:49 PM


Picture of Jessica Rigby
Re: Cyberbullying
by Jessica Rigby - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:42 PM

Don let cyberbullying upset you.


Picture of Claudia Tate
Re: Cyberbullying
by Claudia Tate - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:45 PM

Hi everyone if you are bullied in any way then you must tell some even if it is your BFF.


Picture of William Ryan
Re: Cyberbullying
by William Ryan - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:48 PM
th?id=I.4602406115017646&pid=1.9dont cyberbully
Picture of Chloe Hardman
Re: Cyberbullying
by Chloe Hardman - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 2:49 PM

Tell a someone, even if it just your friend. Don't keep it a secret!!! It will only get worse. 


Picture of Lucy Clayton
Re: Cyberbullying
by Lucy Clayton - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 4:15 PM
Picture of Lois Bellamy
Re: Cyberbullying
by Lois Bellamy - Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 4:43 PM
cyber bullying is wrong sadcyberbullying.jpg
Picture of Adam Meyer
Re: Cyberbullying
by Adam Meyer - Thursday, 11 October 2012, 9:25 PM

I think that you should tell an adult and maybe they could put a stop to it

and remember cyber bullies are just wusses who cant face you up close.cyber-bullying-thumb7790636.jpg

Picture of Leah Cookson
Re: Cyberbullying
by Leah Cookson - Tuesday, 16 October 2012, 1:12 PM

dont worry to much.tell someone close to you and they should do something about it.

Picture of Alexander Singleton
Re: Cyberbullying
by Alexander Singleton - Wednesday, 7 November 2012, 3:01 PM
cyber bullying is wrong.tell someone
Picture of Hannah Walsh
Re: Cyberbullying
by Hannah Walsh - Wednesday, 7 November 2012, 4:06 PM
i would tell an adult and I wouldn't reply.
Picture of Hannah Walsh
Re: Cyberbullying
by Hannah Walsh - Wednesday, 7 November 2012, 4:41 PM
tell an adult

Picture of Charlotte Flannery
Re: Cyberbullying
by Charlotte Flannery - Thursday, 8 November 2012, 12:48 PM
dont reacttoit and they will leave you alone
Picture of Johnathan Collier
Re: Cyberbullying
by Johnathan Collier - Thursday, 8 November 2012, 12:51 PM

cyberbullying hurts and you should tell someone.