Cyberbullying can uspet and hurt people just like real life bullying. What advice would you give to a friend who was being cyber bullied?
Cyberbullying can uspet and hurt people just like real life bullying. What advice would you give to a friend who was being cyber bullied?
i think i would probaly say dont worry itll all be over soon and if theres anything thats really bad then tell some one and dont suffer in silence
I would tell them to tell someone straight away and confort them and tell them that it will be all fine.:-)
Don't put up with it, tell a trustworthy and responsable adult and they will try and sort it out but the worst thing anyone could do is cyberbully back. If this does not work ignore the cyberbully, delete them from any contact you've got with them and soon they will get tired of bullying you.
Cyber Bullying is horrible all the advice i can give you is stay calm tell your parents and keep away from the person/ group, Remember dont give up !
My advice would be to
My advice would be to always tell an adult and show them what has been sent to you. Don't take it personally because you will get more upset. Don't let the cyberbully see your reaction and DO NOT REPLY!!! Remember these things can always be sorted out - talk to a good friend, adult, school counsellor.