Whilst the school is closed students will find we upload a range of new learning activities for them to use as part of their programme of home learning. Our first is an independent research project. 

These will also be available online via our Twitter @MrWallbanks and Wakelet @AHHistory pages as well as being promoted on our Instagram @AllHallowsHistory platform.
This is our current research project

How did Hitler become leader of Germany in 1933?

Create a coloured booklet about Hitler’s Germany.  You must include the following:

Task 1:  Complete a timeline of Hitler’s life up to 1933

Task 2:  Why did people vote for Hitler?

Task 3:  How did Hitler challenge the Treaty of Versailles.  You must mention

i)The Saar

ii)The Rhineland

iii) Anschluss

iv)The Sudetenland

v) Czechoslovakia

vi) Conscription

Task 4:  How did life change for i) children ii) women iii) workers iv) political opposition

Task 5:  How did Hitler control his people using i) The Gestapo ii) Propaganda iii) Police and Courts  iv) Youth organisations

Task 6: Imagine you are living in Germany in the late 1920s.  Describe how your life changes as Hitler takes over in the 1930s.