Year 8 History

Henry VIII

Mary I

What you will learn this year:

  • The Terrible Tudors
  • The Stuarts
  • The Industrial Revolution
  • Crime and Punishment
  • French Revolution

Homework Help:

Click on the links below to access fun and helpful websites

  BBC Bitesize     School History


Check out our Twitter Feed - @MrWallbanks

We're also on Instagram @AllHallowsHistory

We share great resources, websites and videos via our Wakelet page. Look out for @AHHistory


Years 7 & 8 History Activity Club

Wednesday 12.35 — 1.20pm in Room 13

Year 8 Project

What role did Preston play in the Industrial Revolution?


Create a coloured booklet about Industrial Preston (1750-1900).  You must include the following:

Task 1:  Complete a timeline of Richard Arkwright’s life

Task 2:  What was the Industrial Revolution?

Task 3:  How did each of these factors contribute to the Industrial Revolution

i) Cotton

ii)The Slave Trade

iii) Factories


v) Coal Mines

vi) Canals

Task 4:  How did life change in the Industrial Revolution for i) children ii) workers iii) the environment

Task 5:  Describe how Preston changed as a town between 1750 and 1900.