

               "I have come so that you might have life and have it to the full" ( John 10:10)  


 Meet The Chaplain

My name is Helen . I have been a chaplain here for thirteen years now and love it. In truth I think I have the best job in the school ; to be able to listen to your stories and bring faith and life together. What is a chaplain ? Well I guess it takes alittle thinking about. What do you think a chaplain is ? ...I was recently at a school where I asked them the question. One year 6 pupil said that a chaplain was some one who is always there to help and listen to you but also a bit like a priest but not a priest ( I think she might have been trying to say some one who witnesses to Gods love not only in their everyday lives but through prayer and liturgy and all the other things you can now read about).

 What is Chaplaincy?

Chaplaincy aims to serve all the members of our school community by offering you encouragement, support and friendship. We help to create and nuture the Chrsitian Ethos of the school through the celebration of the Eucharist, Liturgy and Prayer, the school retreat programme, parish links, counselling, support, spiritual direction, Justice and peace issues and the youth .S.V.P group.

The full chaplaincyteam is made up of sixteen members of staff

Youth S.V.P Group

You might have heard of the Youth S.V.P group in school, but do you know what it is ?

S.V.P means St.Vincent De PAul and is a voluntary Christian organisation providing help and support to anyone in need in the local community. It was founded in 1833 in Paris by a 19 year old student called Frederic Ozanam. He believed that Christians should put their 'money where their mouth is'..to act like Chrsitians not just sound like one ! It is active in 132 countries.

svp logo

Why not check out the website www.youthsvp.org.uk/

At the moment All Hallows has a group of year 11's who go out to places like nurseries, charity shops, homes for the elderly and Galloways home for the partially sighted. This is what some of them had to say;

‘All the year 11 pupils do work voluntarily and are rewarded by the smiles of the elderly and knowing that their day has been made brighter or the ‘thank you’ of other volunteers, knowing that you have really helped them out in the charity shop or nursery, or knowing that a blind persons life has been made a little easier ‘(Gaby)

‘S.V.P gives me an enormous sense of satisfaction. The people we have met tell us of their experiences and we have a great time together’. (Yr. 10 pupil) S.

‘S.V.P is really rewarding. The school group is really supportive of one another and have a lot of laughs as well as helping others ‘(Gabrielle).

If you are in year nine and you like the idea watch the 'Watch this space'!

 Celebration of the Eucharist / Liturgy & Prayer .

Don't switch off, we need you ! Have you ever needed a bit of space and time to be quiet or to prayer for some one or something. The chapel might be quite a small place but it is a very important one.Why not give it a try on Wednesdays at lunchtime when it will be open for you. If you have any good ideas about other ways and times we could open it come and let me know.

 As a Catholic school it is important that we remember that at the heart of all we do is Jesus. At mass He is there in a very special way. Keep your eyes open for the next Youth Mass and come and join us !

If you are a year 11 and you would like to become a Eucharistic Minister let me know. It is always lovely to see pupils ministering at our school masses and especially at their own leavers mass.

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Care in our Community

One of the good things about All Hallows is that there is always some one to turn to when you need it, so you need never be alone.

In school we have a group of year eleven peer supporters who are always there to listen. They are in the guidance room every lunchtime.

We also run a Pathways bereavement group for those who have lost some one they love through death or divorce.

I am a person centred counsellor and am always here for you.

You just need to come and ask me about any of these things 


 The School Retreat Progamme

Retreat experiences are important, as they are opportunities for deeper prayer and reflection and in the case of residentials you will all get a chance to see what its like spending a longer time with your peers. All of you will have at least one opportunity to be part of a residentail retreat at CAstlerigg Manor, Keswick


C.A.F.O.D naturally plays an important part in our schools outreach. We are a registered fairtrade school and fundraise at least twice a year. This year we sent a massive £2,300 to Cafod. Together we really did make a difference!

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Registration class 10T3 have collected and raised money for CAFOD every Advent and Lent since they were in Year 8 in 2006. By February 2009 they have raised £767 and were determined to pass £1,000. By means of a raffle and sponsored silences they passed their target and have raised a staggering £1,364. With money already in their school account they spent £627 on CAFOD’S World Gifts. Well done 10T3.

Take a look at what else is happening in your world www.cafod.org.uk/

Parish Links

The school thinks it is really important to keep in touch with your parish .We keep contact with the priests from your parish, especially Fr. Austin from St. Teresa's and St. Mary Magdalens. You will often see him around school as well as celebrating mass in school. Don't forget to say hello if you see him about. During the year we have a special mass in one of the parishes. It would be great to see you there .We hope that when you leave All Hallows you will continue to be part of a church near you


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Liverpool Cathedral



 Prayer Corner

Do you need some time out from the hustle and bustle of school life? Fancy a bit of time for yourself to meditate? Does your spiritual side need to be nourished? Fancy looking at resources that will help you pray?

If this is YOU then click on a link below







